32. URL 404
In the case where you publish a domain A (e.g., www.abc.com) with one landing page, but the subdirectory of domain A (e.g., www.abc.com/test) does not have any published landing page, visitors accessing the link www.abc.com/test will encounter the default 404 interface of Webcake.
Instead of using the default 404 interface of Webcake, you can create a custom 404 page according to your preferences.
Step 1: Design a complete landing page to serve as your custom 404 interface and publish it with a specific URL.
Step 2: Access the Domain section, choose Custom 404 URL.
Step 3: Enter the URL of the custom 404 page or the path to the landing page with the 404 content you want to display.
If you customize the 404 URL for the main domain (e.g., www.abc.com), all subdirectories of the main domain (e.g., www.abc.com/products, www.abc.com/services...) without a specific interface will display the set 404 page. This does not apply to subdomains of the main domain (e.g., products.abc.com) without a specific interface.
A domain with a customized 404 URL, but without any published landing page, will display the configured 404 interface when accessed by visitors.
This feature is exclusive to Webcake domains and does not extend to domains on other platforms
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