13. Conect, sync data Webcake - MailChimp
Mailchimp is known as a Marketing automation platform that can make it easy for users to share emails and promotional campaigns with customers and other interested parties. To connect data from a landing page to a MailChimp management email sequence, do the following:
Step1 . Create Account connection
Intergrations -> Account connect -> Add -> MailChimp
To get API key, you can access MailChimp account: https://mailchimp.com/
-> Copy API Key
Step 2. Create configuration
Intergrations -> Data storage -> Add
You need to fill in the information and customize the fields according to the options of the registration form, On the left are the information fields you created on the form on the landing page, on the right are the information fields you created on Mailchimp
Step 3. Connect MailChimp config with landing page
Click landing page ->Connect -> Select config
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