1. Point the domain name to WEBCAKE's Hosting
1. Point to the primary domain name
Go to the domain administration section where you purchased the domain name and configure the following 2 records to navigate the domain back to the WEBCAKE address.
Host record
Type (Loại)
Value (Giá trị)
Host record
Type (Loại)
Value (Giá trị)
Note: When using and camping with primary domain name, everyone should use the prefix www. for a variety of IP ranges
2. Point the subdomain
Assuming your primary domain name is register.com, and you want to create a subdomain called register.name.com then:
Select the primary domain you want to install, then create a new record and fill in the values as follows:
Host record
Type (Loại)
Value (Giá trị)
3. Check domain's DNS
To check if DNS is configured correctly, go to: https://dns.google.com/
Paste your domain name to check:
The screen will display your domain name information, check:
4. Domain validation in Dashboard Webcake
Go to Dashboard Webcake -> Domains: https://webcake.io/v3/domains
Add the domain name you need to authenticate to point to Webcake
To verify the domain name: Select the domain name to be verified -> Three dots icon (...) -> Authenticate
After successful domain validation, you can publish Landing Page as your domain name. https://docs.webcake.io/v/english/vii.-ten-mien-va-xuat-ban-voi-ten-mien-rieng/3.-xuat-ban-voi-ten-mien-rieng
Note: Normally, when authenticating the www subdomain, the system will automatically get SSL for the www subdomain and the root domain (non-www).
There will be cases where the www subdomain can get SSL while the root domain (non-www) cannot get SSL (for some reason, the dns configuration of the root domain pointing to Webcake is slower than the subdomain name with www).
At this point you need to manually get SSL for the root domain (non-www)
Last updated