6. Connect API
Step 1. Create Account connected
Intergartions -> Account connected -> Add -> Choose Account type "API" -> Save
Step 2. Config Data Storage
Data storage -> Add -> Add Config Name and add Account connected -> Save
if you want to push Link landing page , you'll add field "location"
if you want to push IP address , you'll add field "ip"
if you want to push Status the order , you'll add field "status"
if you want to push Time order , you'll add field "inserted_at"
if you want to push Time order , you'll add field "inserted_at"
if you want to push product , you'll add field "variations" (You need to connect POS with landing page here: https://docs.webcake.io/v/english/ket-noi-dong-bo-webcake-pos-pancake/1)
UTM information: utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_content, utm_term
Normally, there are 2 ways to add a token (API key) to the API configuration depending on the platform receiving the data
Method 1: Attach directly to the API URL
When using this method, usually, no need to use the API Request Header
Method 2: Attach to API Request Header
EX: On receiving data platform's docs: Authorization: Bearer api_key
API Request Header: {"Authorization": "Bearer api_key"}
Step 3. Connect config with landing page
Click Landing page name -> Connect -> Add
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