1.Send order information from Landing Page to Messenger using Botcake

1. Setting Chatbot to prepare to send order information to customers

In this tutorial, I use the chatbot Botcake - Free chatbot platform developed by Pancake Team, other chatbots do the same.

1.1. Create Messgener REF URL tool

This is a tool that allows you to create an access link to the Messenger of the Page with a Ref code to format the access source.

Chatbot will recognize the link by following Ref code and send a pre-installed message corresponding to this link.

Go to Botcake.io -> Tools -> Create new tools -> Messenger Ref URL -> Temporarily leave it and set up the next step

1.2. Create a Customer Field to send order information to customers

Customer Field sends order details to customers outside the fields: Name, phone number, and address.

Access: Botcake -> Configuration -> Custom Field -> Add new -> Name, description -> Select data type: Character string -> OK

1.3. Create a message flow to send to customers

Create the Message stream to send the information from Chatbot to customers who are from Ref URL.

Go to: Botcake -> Flow -> Create new flow -> Flow name-> Click Content -> Access editing

Note: The information you need to put in to automatically send information to that customer (refer to the photo below)

  • Full name

  • Phone number

  • Address

  • Custom fields just created above

1.4. Connect Messenger Ref URL with Messenger

Step 1: Access: Botcake -> Tools -> Messenger Ref URL just created -> Opt-In message -> Click "Replace" to choose the flow.

Step 2: : Config

  • Change the Ref URL if desired

  • Link Payload with Custom field created from above to link Ref URL with Custom field -> send order details

Get Webcake field ID:

Note: It is necessary to turn on the "Start" button for the chatbot or to the frequently asked questions -> The purpose for the customer to click -> Because the customer needs to interact with the page first, then Chatbot can send information to the customer.

Get the Ref URL link from Botcake

Some hidden fields: total_price: Total order value (For orders with products connected with POS)

shipping_fee: Shipping fee of the order

items: List of products in the orders

aff: Affiliate information

discount_code: promotions information on Webcake

bonus: Bonus products of Product on POS

Webcake -> orm -> Settings bar -> Advanced -> Open extra Url / Application -> Paste above Botcake link into input box -> Save and publish

Messenger message:

You can watch the video detail here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BPEqEL-Nuc

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