16.2. Xendit

1. Create Xendit payment gateway

1.1. Create Xendit account

Create Xendit account at: https://dashboard.xendit.co

Then you need to verify your account

1.2. Create and copy secret key

Access Xendit Dashboard -> Settings -> API Keys -> Generate secret key

  • Choose permission for secret key

  • Click to generate key

  • Copy the secret key

2. Add Xendit gateway to your landing page

2.1. Add Xendit payment

Dashboard -> Integrations -> Payment -> Create Xendit payment -> Add your secret key

2.2. Add Xendit payment to your form

Form -> Radio field -> Connect data -> Setting event -> Choose Xendit gateway

Flow: Users fulfill the form -> Choose the Xendit option -> Submit -> Open Xendit view to pay -> Pay successfully -> Back to thank you page

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