8. Connect, sync Webcake - Telegram

1. Create affliate account

Dashboard -> Intergrations -> Acount connected -> Add

Instructions for creating Tokens in Telegram

Connect with @BotFather from: https://telegram.me/BotFather. In the bot chat window, click Start

Click /newbot and choose a name for the bot

Choose a username for your bot

Your bot will be automatically generated and ready to use

Copy Token and use for Afflicate Account at Webcake.

2. Create Data storage form

Dashboard -> Integration -> Data Storage -> Add -> Select the account associated with the previous configuration

Instructions to get Group ID In Telegram

Step 1: Access the link: https://web.telegram.org/

Step 2: Step 2: Access the Group that you want to get the ID and open the Group's link in the browser. For example: https://web.telegram.org/z/#-796961784 > Group ID is: 796961784

Note: You need to add the Bot created to Telegram Goup to receive data.

3. Connect the configuration with the Landing page

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