1. Organization and member

1. Create organization

On Dashbroad -> Create organization (in the left corner) -> Name organization -> Save

2. Add members

2.1 Invite member on Organization

Invite member to organization: Organization -> Members -> Add member

Note: Members need to regist and create account on Webcake before being invited to organization

2.2 Accept to join in organization

  • If member haven't had account, they'll be received notify on their mail

  • If member have had account , notify is show on Webcake

3. Member decentralization

There are 4 rights in the organization:

  • Owners: manage all pages and members of the organization

  • Super admin: has full rights as Owner of the organization

  • Admin: manage all pages of the organization

  • Member: manage and edit all their pages and pages which are decentralized

Last updated