1. Point the domain name to WEBCAKE's Hosting

1. Point to the primary domain name

Go to the domain administration section where you purchased the domain name and configure the following 2 records to navigate the domain back to the WEBCAKE address.

Host record

Type (Loại)

Value (Giá trị)




Host record

Type (Loại)

Value (Giá trị)




Note: When using and camping with primary domain name, everyone should use the prefix www. for a variety of IP ranges

2. Point the subdomain

Assuming your primary domain name is register.com, and you want to create a subdomain called register.name.com then:

Select the primary domain you want to install, then create a new record and fill in the values ​​as follows:

Host record

Type (Loại)

Value (Giá trị)




3. Check domain's DNS

To check if DNS is configured correctly, go to: https://dns.google.com/

Paste your domain name to check:

The screen will display your domain name information, check:

4. Domain validation in Dashboard Webcake

Go to Dashboard Webcake -> Domains: https://webcake.io/v3/domains

Add the domain name you need to authenticate to point to Webcake

To verify the domain name: Select the domain name to be verified -> Three dots icon (...) -> Authenticate

After successful domain validation, you can publish Landing Page as your domain name.

Last updated